Welcome! What’s this?

This is an online space where I aggregate most of my publications on digital rights issues. Most of these publications have originally been published elsewhere, and this site just collects them in one place.

Protecting human rights on the Internet is something that I care about deeply.

Over the last decade, I’ve had the opportunity to work with passionate people on a number of projects that research and raise awareness around digital rights issues — with a focus on surveillance and internet censorship.

Upon reading the publications through this site, I hope that you will feel inspired to support and join the digital rights movement.




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Reflecting on the 2008 Greek Riots

Image by Nikolas Giakoumidis Ten years ago, as of today, I happened to be on a parallel street from where the shooting took place. I was sitting on the front steps of a building in Exarcheia, chatting with one of my anarchist friends. Exarcheia is the hub of Greece’s radical political and intellectual activism, where many …

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Uganda’s Social Media Tax through the lens of network measurements

Key Findings HTTP blocking and RST injection: Ugandan ISPs primarily implement internet censorship by means of HTTP blocking, resetting connections to taxed and banned sites. TCP/IP blocking of apps: MTN appears to block Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat by means of TCP/IP blocking. The TCP/IP blocking of Snapchat may have caused collateral damage, possibly affecting thousands …

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The State of Internet Censorship in Venezuela

Media censorship appears to be quite pervasive, as a number of independent media websites were found to be blocked in Venezuela (primarily) by means of DNS tampering. Blocked news outlets include El Pitazo and El Nacional, while La Patilla was temporarily blocked in June 2018. Walkie-talkie app Zello was reportedly blocked during Venezuela’s 2014 protests and recent measurements suggest that the service remains …

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South Sudan: Measuring Internet Censorship in the World’s Youngest Nation

Established in July 2011, South Sudan is the youngest country in the world. But the transition to independence from Sudan has been far from smooth, as the country experiences an ongoing civil war. Even though internet penetration levels remain quite low, two media websites and two independent blogs were reportedly blocked last year. This report is a joint …

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